Mitech – VueJS Nuxt JS Technology & Blog Template

Mitech – Vue Nuxt JS Technology & Blog Template is an exclusive vuejs website template for IT solutions and services company websites. With more than six demos for multiple purposes, you can easily use this vuejs digital software template for a superb outcome.
This unique Technology vue js website template comes with 06 homepage variations for various purposes
You will find 9+ technological case study layouts with this great Vue nuxtjs technology template.
This Vue nuxt JS website template contains 6 stunning and attention-grabbing header styles.
Megamenus offers a solution by presenting the structure in an easy-to-understand manner. They provide visually appealing groupings that ensure easy navigation.\
As this Vue js blog template for IT services is well-documented, you can easily access related information about it and adapt to it quickly.
To keep users updated with the latest trends, this vue nuxt js web template is updated on a regular basis. You will get the updates absolutely for free!
Mitech Vue Nuxt JS Technology and Blog Template incorporates a visually stunning and professional-looking design that will grab the attention of your web visitors quickly.
Sass is completely compatible with all versions of CSS. We have included it so that you can seamlessly use any available CSS libraries.
Vue JS is one of the cutting-edge technologies that is rapidly gaining more popularity in terms of implementing the web UI for numerous benefits such as compact file size, blazing fast speed, effortless customization as per individual requirements.
If you are up for establishing a striking online presence and think of using a Vue js template for your IT agency website, Mitech – Vue Nuxt JS Technology & Blog Template is a great tool to get started with. For the nifty and appealing design that Mitech incorporates, you will have no problem grabbing the attention of your site visitors and get them interested in the IT-related services you offer.
There are over six stunning demos to choose from, perfect for getting you ready to go live with your site. With the demos alone, you can create pages for various purposes. The predefined layouts are also elegant and flexible, allowing you to meet your company’s demands right away.
This amazing Vue JS-powered technology website template is entirely responsive and adapts to all screens sizes and modern browsers without a hitch.
That’s not all; you will find lots of modern features like latest Vue and Nuxt version, No JQuery dependency, dynamic blog, V-lazy-Image, Font Awesome Icons, No console error and amny more. For your next website project, consider using this fantastic Vue JS website template. We will give excellent after-sales support as well as free regular updates for your convenience.
Features List
- Built with latest Nuxt
- Built with latest Vue JS.
- No jQuery Dependency
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 5 Home Variations
- Dynamic Blog
- ynamic Service and Case Study page
- Build With Bootstrap 4.4.1
- Fully Responsive Design
- V-lazy-Image
- Clean Code
- Font Awesome Icons
- Speed Optimized
- SEO Friendly
- Cross Browser Support
- Well Documented
- No console error
- Free Updates